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Debra Power


About Debra

Artist Statement

Imagine the excitement of my ninth birthday when my parents gifted me a wooden box of oil paints and painting classes with a local artist, Mrs. Ruth Taylor!  Although I rarely paint with oil any more, Ruth instilled in me the value of “paint what you see.”  I have carried those words in my artwork ever since. 

My creations are still based on what I see, and today, I see a need for “community.”   The evolution of my public artwork reflects that.  For example, it was imperative that I include a variety of races, ethnicities, and religions for the Buddies affectionately locked arm-in-arm.  Our children must “see” the importance of diversity in their local, state, and even world community.  The Wall in Placerville also echoes my commitment to community.  The plan approved by the Placerville City Council was to be a trompe l’oeil wall that emulates the historic dry-stack rock walls from the California gold rush era.  The mural quickly became more engaging when I incorporated California native plants and animals, particularly a community of mice that inhabit the drainage holes.  Even a Community of Flower Fairies live in Downtown Placerville.

I also want my storytelling through art to engage, educate, and enlighten.  If engaged, young people will be open to learning about the social, political, and cultural aspects of their life.  The mural You Are Here! was designed to complement the fourth-grade curriculum, but more importantly, I want students to “see” and appreciate how communities in California can vary. 

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